Black Sea Gods: Chronicles of Fu Xi Read online

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  Sammujad: (sam-MOO-jahd) one of the three nomadic tribes inhabiting the g’an. They occupy the fringes of the steppe and rely mostly on trading to survive. They have been pushed back in recent years by the Scythians.

  Sarah: Meaning unknown. Former pleasure slave in bondage in Virag’s camp. She is originally of the Hur-ar and vows to lead Aizarg’s party to the Narim.

  Scythians: (sith-EE-ans) Means (Sammujad origin) “the blended ones.” Horse warriors who’ve come to dominate the g’an over the course of several generations, they are the most savage and feared of the three steppe tribes.

  Setenay: (set-EN-aye) Means “rose with many thorns.” Patesi-li of the Minnow Clan, grandmother to Ba-lok, oldest living member of the Lo people. Called “The Grandmother of the Lo.”

  Sethagasi: (seth-GOS-ee) The sea goddess of the Lo pantheon, daughter of Psatina and Oeto-sy. Synonymous with Great Sea. Also means “womb.”

  Summoning of Spears: Ceremony where the Lo choose an Uros to lead them in time of war.

  Silt Flats: Place near Crane Clan village with the shallows meet the deep sea and large waves form and the village boys wave ride atop their small reed boats.

  Su-gár: (sue-GARR) Means “sunbeam”, daughter of Ood-i and Ula.

  Tiejiang: (Teh-ZHANG) Blacksmith of Nushen, friend of Fu Xi

  Time of the Spear: Lo term for a time of war when an Uros leads all the Lo nation, superseding the power of individual sco-lo-ti.

  Tortoise Mountain: Home of the Goddess Nuwa.

  Trout Clan: Lo village of which Bla-la-te rules as the sco-lo-ti, the chieftain.

  Turtle Clan: Lo village ruled by Masok as sco-lo-ti, also home to his younger brother, Ghalen.

  Ula: (OOW-lah) Means (Sammujad origin) “small fish.” Wife of Leedi, mother of Su-gár.

  Uros: (UR-ows) Means “source of power.” War Chieftain of the Lo.

  Valley of the Beasts: A valley discovered by Aizarg and Levidi filled with a milling multitude of animals of every sort.

  Virag: (veye-RAG) Means (Sammujad origin) “He is black inside.” Sammujad Slaver, former owner of Sarah.

  Wu:(WOO) A mysterious land far to the east of Cin. Fu Xi thought of this land as the end of the earth..

  Xva: (ZEE-vah) Meaning “beloved son.” Aizarg’s cousin and youngest man in the Crane Clan Nation.